Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Flower Power

I bought these gerber daisies at the craft store a year or so ago, and I've been saving them to put in a vase in Rebecca's room someday when we finished it. Well, the room is finished and I am now seeing that there is no room for a vase of huge daisies, and Rebecca would probably break the vase anyway. So I was sad this little decoration that I had originally thought would be so cute was not going to happen after all. I love gerber daisies, we had them at our wedding. They are so bright and colorful and cheerful to me.

Well! Rebecca and her cute little friend found the flowers and found a use for them. They turn on our keyboard which plays obnoxiously loud music (100 songs) and DANCE, waving the flowers around and laughing. This entertains them for quite a while actually and it is so funny to watch. They like them so much that I made a non-breakable vase by duct-taping 2 big food storage cans together and painting it. The flowers sit in there and are decorative AND they are useful too! The girls LOVE to play with them, it's so cute.
Those flowers are making me happy with their many uses and reminding me of spring...can't wait!!!


Darla and Kirk Nuttall said...

My goodness there is some cute girls in those pictures. Heehee!! I am so glad that they have such a great time at your house together. They are too cute.

Sarah Coyne said...

I love these daisies too! Paul actually got me some for Valentine's Day and they are so much nicer than roses!

The girls look like they had so much fun playing together! And by the way, I am so impressed that Seth built that house by himself! If we needed a house in Idaho I would buy it! :)

Heather said...

You're so clever with the non breakable vase! How fun and how cute! Come over and check out my blog. Love all these new ways to keep in touch! Love ya~~~~

Roxanne said...

what an adorable little girl- just like her mommy! what a fun world we live in where we can visit our friends and loved ones out here in cyber world! Heather says you are in Rexburg! Maybe we can see you sometime! love you Sweetie