1-The two people in the picture above. There is no one I'd rather spend time with than Seth and Rebecca. I'm so grateful for my fun-loving, hard working husband and our beautiful daughter. Seth makes it possible for me to be a stay at home mother/homemaker, which I feel is a full-time (and then some) job! I love it though, I feel like I am living a dream right now. I love taking care of my home and family.
2-Rebecca is my angel. It's hard to explain, but she makes me want to be a better person, more than anyone else in my life ever has. And when I'm in a difficult or new situation, she gives me confidence just because she is there with me. I don't know how I ever survived without her!
3-Where would I be without the gospel of Jesus Christ? I don't want to think about that! I love my Savior and will be forever grateful that I was raised in His true church, I never had to search for it. I feel that I have always had a testimony, it just grows all the time. The gospel gives me peace in my life, direction and purpose, and happiness that lasts.
4-The most recent house Seth built is still not sold, but an investor has taken over payments and found renters for us since June, and it is such a relief and amazing blessing that we ran into this investor and have the peace of having that bill taken care of each month. Let's hope he can sell it next year! It will be nice to move on from that.
5-We have been healthy this year, no major sicknesses or accidents. I am grateful for our strong bodies and minds, and for the opportunity to learn and grow in this life.
6-We had our first successful garden this summer, and it was so fun! I never knew how fulfilling it is to grow things, and to see the "fruits of our labors" in this way. I loved going out there to grab something to use in the dinner I was making. I am so grateful for good food!
7-With the economy getting worse all the time, I am so, so grateful that Seth has a good job. We know many people who have been affected by layoffs, or lack of business, and who are hurting financially. We've had our struggles with this too, but we have always been ok and had all the things we need. I'm learning to be happy with less and to make things last longer and I think that is a good thing.
8-I am grateful for good friends. I don't have any family close by, and it's nice to know I have people here who are like family, who would do anything for me.
9-It has been amazing to me this year, how my Heavenly Father knows exactly what I need and He sends people into my life to help me. When I'm sad, a friend calls and lifts me up. When I need something, people are inspired to share with me. It's been a lesson to me this year, to receive with a heart full of gratitude. It's easy to be on the giving end, and it has been humbling to receive so many nice things from so many unexpected places. That's how I know God is aware of my little family and our needs. I'm grateful for people who listen to the spirit and are willing to give. It has taught me to look for opportunities to serve and to pay attention to who might need me each day.
10-I'm grateful for my home, to live in a wonderful city, for this beautiful Earth, and for my life in general. My life is so good. I'm grateful for a loving and forgiving Heavenly Father, for each new day, the opportunity to start fresh and be a little better.
Those are some nice things to be thankful for. You are such a great person, with a good heart. You are doing a great job with your little family. Rebecca is such a beautiful little girl and I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate and love our friendship. You are always someone I can turn to. Thanks for that!
I just wanted to tell you that you and your family are adorable! Hearing your thoughts about your daughter made me remember how grateful I am for mine (tonight she pooped in the bath, then Paul dropped his $200 phone in the water trying to clean it up, then Hannah bit me while breastfeeding). Even with all of that, we love our children no matter what, don't we?!?
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