Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rebecca, Rebecca, and more Rebecca

July was such a fun month...get ready for picture overload! Here is the sweet new cherry dress from Grandma W. Thanks! It's so cute on her. I bribed her to actually look at the camera with these strawberries...they are her favorite :)

Rebecca has LOVED her little pool. She plays in it most afternoons.

I started potty training a week ago, using the 3 day potty training book (Thanks, Darla!) I know she gets what she is supposed to do, it's just deciding whether or not to do it! She makes it about half the time and we are pretty proud of her! She'll get it down completely...soon I hope! She is such a big girl, and so proud of herself in her Elmo underwear. It's so cute. But without a diaper, all her clothes seem so big on her now. She's such a little girl.

See her Elmo stickers on her potty chart-she loves them!
Washing hands is her favorite part.

I gave her a Cinderella sticker book as a reward and she put the stickers all over herself, arms and legs included. Then she put some on her doll. I am still picking up stickers all over the house. Funny girl.

Seth took the past week off work, since he hasn't had a day off (including Saturdays) all year. He cleaned up both sides of our yard, which were both horrible-overgrown trees, and all kinds of other junk. He built Rebecca a sandbox and some garden boxes for us and a window well. It all looks so good. Oh, and all the endless shoveling of rocks. It's almost done, we love a good project and it's been a while since we've been able to do anything.

Rebecca was Daddy's little helper

Here is the John Deere dress that Aunt Kerstin made for Rebecca's birthday. SOOOO CUTE! WE LOVE IT!!

We went to Ross Park in Pocatello to swim and had such a great time! Who knew I had such a water baby....last year, she screamed in the water so I was a little nervous to go, but this year she loved it and I am so glad! She even went down this slide a few times.

Calista and Rebecca-so cute together!
Rebecca got this wagon for her birthday and she loads it up every day with her favorite things of the day and pulls it around the house all day long. She loves it. When I can't find something, sometimes MY stuff, I just look in her wagon.

The Elmo backpack. She wears this most days, and it is a crack up. We think it is so cute on her.

When I bring out the camera, this is what Rebecca does. Great, huh?

Or, she comes up to me and says, "Mommy, I hug you!" Which is her way of getting me to stop whatever I'm doing and pick her up. How can I resist?!?!?


Darla said...

That was a great post. I loved all the pictures. That picture was cute that you got of the girls.
So I am glad that she has the jist of potty training. She will get it better and better. Keep at it.

Julie Ann Grant said...

She is such a doll!! Love the posts!! So glad to be in touch with you again!!!!

Sarah Coyne said...

Such a cute post! I love all the pictures. And I'm AMAZED that Rebecca is already potty training! Nathan was almost 3 before he cracked it! Lucky you!!!

Sherelle said... have a strawberry lover too! Such a cutie! Love your blog...just stopped by today!