Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wheat Harvest

Since I grew up in Utah, in the city, I basically knew NOTHING about farming until I married Seth. We've been married 4 years, and every fall he loves to go to Bancroft to help his dad drive the tractor and harvest the crops. I usually go with him (with the exception of last year, since I had a newborn) and the first time I rode on a combine, I was amazed and impressed. Those machines are AWESOME!! And I'm still amazed and impressed! Seth's dad explained to me how far they have come used to get so dusty and dirty and have to do a whole lot more manual labor. Not anymore, you steer with one hand and control everything else with the other. And you can talk in normal voices, no yelling, even though the machine is loud. In the cab, it is nice! Radio and air conditioning too, and no dust flying around. Anyway, farming is a totally different lifestyle than what I grew up around, but I'm glad this city girl fell in love with a country boy. I appreciate farmers and the work they do. I'm glad to be related to farmers and have a chance to be around during this wonderful time of the year...the harvest.
We dressed Rebecca up in her cute little overalls for her first ride on the combine. She loved riding around with Grandpa!

Here she is driving...oh, boy!

Seth, Dad, and Rebecca went around a few times and I just wandered around and took pictures and had time to think. It was so nice to just be out in the middle of nowhere, all alone. I really like that sometimes, and in Idaho Falls, there is nowhere to be alone. It was nice though, I reflected on my life and all my blessings, set some goals, and prayed. I know Heavenly Father is aware of me and He blesses me every day of my life.

Rebecca loves to give kisses lately. It is so cute. Anytime we say goodbye to someone, Rebecca puckers up and leans forward to kiss them goodbye. At Seth's work party last weekend, she wanted to kiss the boss's 5 year old son over and over again. She grabbed his shirt and kept yanking him over for more kisses. He was so patient with her and just kept letting her kiss him. Here she is kissing baby Rylie. She is so gentle and sweet with other babies, I'm so proud of her. Also, when Seth and I pray on meals, we kiss afterwards. So we tell Rebecca, "fold your arms, it's time for prayer." She'll fold her arms and the minute the prayer starts, she puckers up and waits patiently for the prayer to be done, so she can kiss us both. I love it.


Sarah Coyne said...

The harvest sounds fun! But I would be afraid to ride on the Combine? Have you seen the movie Cars? Evil combine....!

Anonymous said...

It is so good to read your posts and catch up a bit on your news. It sounds like you have had a great summer. Rebecca is so adorable.